Purchasing Power CEO Trey Loughran recently sat down with Candice Georgiadis of Authority Magagize to discuss 5 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Became A CEO. “Don’t take yourself too seriously. Running a company is a serious business, especially in a time of a global pandemic. Showing your human side, letting people know who you are, seeing your personality and humor, is critical.” Read further to discover insights about a dynamic leader striving to make a real difference at Purchasing Power on Authority Magazine.

Strangely enough, leading through the past year has been my most rewarding professional experience. It certainly took a lot of grit and resilience, but I also had the opportunity to provide our great team a sense of comfort in their professional lives when the world felt like it was turning upside down.

Read Trey Loughran of Purchasing Power: 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became A CEO online here.