An Employee Crisis: Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is more than managing a checkbook. It’s having the knowledge and skills to manage one’s personal finances and statics show there is a lack of it for today’s employees.
Employees who lack financial literacy have trouble meeting monthly expenses, struggle to make minimum payments on credit cards or haven't been able to make important major purchases. Some employees don’t have money saved for emergencies or retirement.
By offering both education and voluntary benefits that address financial health, employers can help their employees with short-term and long-term money issues. These programs improve employees' lives both today and in the future.
The special report An Employee Crisis: Financial Literacy:
- Explores the financial literacy crisis among employees
- Outlines statistics that illustrate the current state of employees’ financial literacy
- Shows how financially stressed employees are impacting their productivity on the job
- Suggests what employers can do to help with employee financial wellness