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eBook Reveals Employees' Financial Hardships & How One Retailer Found a Financial Wellness Lifeline
2024 Retail Financial Wellness eBook reveals that while overall optimism remains high, retail employees also expressed concerns about labor shortages, their salaries, technology advances, and the value that increased benefits options could provide to keep them rooted in the industry as a long-term career.
With this Complimentary eBook, HR Professionals Will:
- Gain insight into some of the immediate and cost-effective ways to provide employees with ways to address their financial wellness and ability to cover monthly expenses.
- Learn about some of the technology and training needs employees say will make an immediate impact on their work.
- Better understand some of the root causes and main triggers of today’s biggest stressors for today’s retail employees.
The survey results signal where retailers can do more to effectively stand out in a competitive climate to retain their most valuable assets – their employees.